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Cizojazyčná kniha Man´s Search for Meaning: the Classic Tribute to Hope From the Holocaist - Viktor Emil Frankl [EN] (2019, brožovaná)

Man´s Search for Meaning: the Classic Tribute to Hope From the Holocaist - Viktor Emil Frankl [EN] (2019, brožovaná)

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Angličtina, počet stran 160, rok vydání 2019, brožovaná9 MILLION COPIES SOLD 'A book to read, to cherish, to debate, and one that will ultimately keep the memories of the victims alive' John Boyne, author of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas A prominent Viennese psychiatrist before the war, Viktor Frankl was uniquely able to observe the way that both he and others in Auschwitz coped with the experience. He noticed that it was the men who comforted others and who gave away their last piece of bread who survived the longest - and who offered proof that everything can be taken away from us except the ability to choose our attitude in any given set of circumstances.

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9 MILLION COPIES SOLD 'A book to read, to cherish, to debate, and one that will ultimately keep the memories of the victims alive' John Boyne, author of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas A prominent Viennese psychiatrist before the war, Viktor Frankl was uniquely able to observe the way that both he and others in Auschwitz coped with the experience. He noticed that it was the men who comforted others and who gave away their last piece of bread who survived


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Počet stran160
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Rok vydání2019
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