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Zahraniční hudba Michael Schenker's Temple Of Rock - Spirit On A Mission [CD]

Michael Schenker's Temple Of Rock - Spirit On A Mission [CD]

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Rok vydání 2015, rock, CDA rapturous, explosive collection of brand-new songs steeped in shades of dark and light! The new studio album from award-winning, legendary guitarist Michael Schenker features 12 classic rock songs that highlight his distinctive and dynamic guitar playing. Seznam skladeb: 1.

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A rapturous, explosive collection of brand-new songs steeped in shades of dark and light! The new studio album from award-winning, legendary guitarist Michael Schenker features 12 classic rock songs that highlight his distinctive and dynamic guitar playing. Seznam skladeb: 1. Live and Let Die 2. Communion 3. Vigilante Man 4. Rock City 5. Saviour Machine 6. Something of the Night 7. All Our Yesterdays 8. Bulletproof 9. Let the Devil Scream 10. Good Times 11. Restless Heart 12. Wicked


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Rok vydání2015
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