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Seriál DVD Black Books Series 1-3 [EN]

DVD Black Books Series 1-3 [EN]

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KomedieOne of the few genuinely outstanding British comedy shows of the past decade, Black Books unites excellent comedic performances, very funny scripts, and plenty of rewatch value. Bernard (expertly played by Dylan Moran) runs a bookshop - the only problems are he can't stand people, hates customers, and would far prefer to be barking out cutting remarks and drinking wine.

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One of the few genuinely outstanding British comedy shows of the past decade, Black Books unites excellent comedic performances, very funny scripts, and plenty of rewatch value. Bernard (expertly played by Dylan Moran) runs a bookshop - the only problems are he can't stand people, hates customers, and would far prefer to be barking out cutting remarks and drinking wine. Still, it's after drinking much of the aforementioned wine that he offers Manny (Bill


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