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Zahraniční hudba Aqualung - Jethro Tull [CD]

Aqualung - Jethro Tull [CD]

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Rock, CDLed by flautist/vocalist Ian Anderson, Jethro Tull mixes hard rock, blues and folk for a style that defies easy analysis; this has not, however, dissuaded fans from giving them 15 gold and 5 platinum albums. As the band embarks on their 31st year, their groundbreaking LP from 1971 reappears (Aqualung remains to this day one of the most cohesive concept albums ever recorded).

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Led by flautist/vocalist Ian Anderson, Jethro Tull mixes hard rock, blues and folk for a style that defies easy analysis; this has not, however, dissuaded fans from giving them 15 gold and 5 platinum albums. As the band embarks on their 31st year, their groundbreaking LP from 1971 reappears (Aqualung remains to this day one of the most cohesive concept albums ever recorded). Besides the rock anthems "Cross-Eyed Mary," "Locomotive Breath" and the title cut, this reissue boasts 6 bonus tracks!


VýrobceWarner Music
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KategorieZahraniční hudba
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Produktové číslo4954012
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