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Anglický jazyk The Business 2.0: B1 Pre-Intermediate - John Allison, Paul Emmerson [CD]

The Business 2.0: B1 Pre-Intermediate - John Allison, Paul Emmerson [CD]

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Angličtina, rok vydání 2013Based on the success of the original edition, The Business 2.0 continues to offer Business English students the confidence, language and fundamentals skills they need to succeed in the competitive international business environment. Based on feedback from users, research into business English studies and the ever-evolving needs of employers The Business 2.0 has been improved in a number of ways.

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Based on the success of the original edition, The Business 2.0 continues to offer Business English students the confidence, language and fundamentals skills they need to succeed in the competitive international business environment. Based on feedback from users, research into business English studies and the ever-evolving needs of employers The Business 2.0 has been improved in a number of ways. There is a strong focus on the 'intangible' business skills - emotional intelligence and interpersonal abilities.


VýrobceMacmillan Education
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KategorieAnglický jazyk
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Rok vydání2013
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Anglický jazyk Macmillan Education

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